Brumby Registration

The Australian Brumby Horse Register has recently updated our definition of a Brumby.

A Brumby is a horse from the wild that has been free roaming on public lands and/or areas whereby natural selection decrees the type that survives in such environment.

At all times, registration of horses will be at the discretion of the Committee.

Authenticity must be proven.

Statutory declarations will no longer be accepted.

Follow these steps to register a Brumby

with the Australian Brumby Horse Register

1. Complete the appropriate Membership Form

For New Membership Form - click: 

​For New  Junior Membership click: 

2. Complete the Brumby Registration Form - click: 

​​ To renew your registration or membership, click:

To transfer ownership of a registered brumby click: 

If you are from a ABHR Member Group

and wish to register a Brumby, please click:

3. Attach NPWS Certificate of Capture or one provided by an authorised contractor

4. Attach photos - please ensure the proposed name of the horse and applicant is on the back of the photos

5. Pay the appropriate registration and membership fee/s

Post all of the above to:
The Registrar
197 Congarinni Rd North
Macksville NSW 2447

If you have any questions regarding registering your Brumby, please do not hesitate to contact us at email


Australian Brumby Horse Register

Harnessing The Strength Of Natural Selection